As one of Singapore's most popular brunch spots, the management of Riders Café appreciate each and every client who has walked through our doors. Since we started in 2007, Riders Café does not usually respond to reviews and comments as the thriving business we see today, was built on honest good food and diligent service. This is not achieved by mere words but by our daily toil that is clearly appreciated by walk-in customers who would patiently wait up to an hour before being shown a table.
Even more so, we refuse to engage in defamatory reviews - reviews that focus on personal disdain for staff members, be they management or waiting staff members. As a business, we believe in fairplay - each of our customer is treated the same as any other paying customer and we do not put up with tantrums, unreasonable demands and an inflated sense of self-entitlement.
As a result of some tables being more in demand than others, we would like to state the following "house-rules" we abide by:
- Reservations (by telephone/website) do not guarantee tables by the balcony.
- We will always try to fulfill a customer's desire within reason; customers have to be patient when the restaurant is busy
and resources may be limited.
- We appreciate that customers may have bad days when they react negatively to suggestions, recommendations
and facial expressions. However, to upload a review with statements with intention to "harm the reputation of another so as to
lower him or her in the estimation of the community or to deter third parties from associating or dealing with him or her"
(Second Restatement of Torts of the American Law Institute) is an act of defamation that can and may be pursued in the court of law.
In summary of the incident that occurred in the case of "cindykuo":
She made a reservation. A table was made available upon her arrival. She made a request for a balcony table. We arranged for it within 15 minutes. She refused the table and found it necessary to pick on the waiting staff's attitude.
The management of Riders Café have reviewed the waiting staff's attitude and found her service and professionalism worthy of the establishment. While it is unfortunate that we will not be seeing this reviewer at our restaurant again, we remain optimistic that our other clients who offer dignity even to the lowest of our staff will understand our stand against bullying behaviours towards our waiters.